Belly Dance through Pregnancy: an ancient dance for a modern mama
by Virginia Keft-Kennedy PhD.
Published in EarlyYears Magazine, Isssue 3, 2010

Virginia the day before her 2nd daughter was born
Women of the Middle East have ‘hip circled’, ‘shimmied’ and swayed their way through pregnancy for centuries. Belly dancing is one of the earliest surviving dances and with its ancient connections with pregnancy and childbirth it is no wonder that this dance is experiencing a revival in the West as a unique form of prenatal conditioning. The gentle circular and rolling motions of belly dance have long been associated with the intuitive movements that many women have found to ease the discomfort of pregnancy, and even the pain of labour. Belly dancing is an especially good form of prenatal exercise because it is low impact, promotes good posture, and improves the abdominal control and awareness needed during pregnancy, childbirth, and in the postpartum recovery period.
Since the late 19th century the American film industry has single-mindedly emphasised the seductive elements of belly dance. In fact, the idea that it is designed solely for the eyes of men is a myth that is still very much alive in the Hollywood film industry today– if you’ve seen Sex and the City 2 you’ll know what I’m talking about! But in the privacy of the dance studio - in an all-women class - belly dance can be sensual, feminine, wonderfully liberating, and not to mention just great exercise. In my experience in having performed and taught belly dance for well over a decade I’ve discovered that the women who attend our classes do so for many reasons but most of all, they dance for themselves. Now, more than ever before, women are taking up the ancient cultural traditions of belly dance in very personal ways – in particular, as a way in which to experience the changes of pregnancy and to ultimately prepare for childbirth[i].
Gone are the days when pregnant women were expected – and encouraged – to treat their pregnancy like an illness. Instead, women with low risk pregnancies are being urged to get out of the house, stay fit, and enjoy the experience of being pregnant. When I fell pregnant with my first daughter Pippa (who is now 2 ½ years old) I continued to teach my classes at Cinnamon Twist School of Belly Dance and perform throughout my pregnancy. I’ve since given birth to another gorgeous baby girl – Tilly - who is only 11 weeks old. Throughout all of the ups and downs of having two babies in a fairly short period of time my love of belly dance has been my foundation. I am fortunate that I was able to dance throughout both my pregnancies and feel that dancing offered me the chance to bond with my daughters before they were born in a very focussed and special way. Pippa loves to see footage of me dancing while I was pregnant with her; she proudly exclaims “that’s me in your tummy!” Those of us with small children know how chaotic (and exhausting) life can get, and now that I have a toddler and newborn baby in the house my compulsion to get moving and dance – even if it’s bopping around the house with Pippa giggling while she practices her hip circles – is stronger than ever before.
Belly Dance for Fitness
Contrary to popular belief belly dancing doesn’t just utilise the mid-section but works the entire body. The graceful pivots and hip circles improve core strength, the gentle dips and rolls strengthen not only the legs but also the lower back and gluteus muscles, and soft shoulder shimmies and chest lifts work to tone the muscles in the arms, chest and upper back. Additionally and perhaps most importantly for pregnancy, the movements and postures used in belly dance are extremely effective in strengthening the pelvic floor. Pregnancy can place great strain on the pelvic floor but with the correct exercises many women may avoid common discomforts (such as incontinence) during and after pregnancy.
Health benefits of belly dance during pregnancy:
Emotional & Mental Health Benefits:
Janine: The social benefits have been invaluable to me. It’s been a year since I had my baby and I’ve continued to stay in touch with other mums I met in our class.
Abby: Belly dance helped me to embrace the changes my body was going through, I stopped feeling like I was just big and began to see my round belly in a new way – I started wearing fitted tops for the first time in my life!
Shane: For me the main benefit was in understanding how to move my body in a circular motion which allowed me to provide my own pain relief. Belly dancing also assisted me post-birth. I was able to gently get my body back in order and regain those pelvic floor muscles!
Nichola: I learnt techniques I was able to use during labour and it was really great to meet other mums who were all due around the same time as me. I really enjoyed my time in class; I always felt welcomed and looked after.
Mel: I belly danced through three pregnancies and labours. During the later stages of each labour I used ‘hip circles’ and ‘figure 8s’ to ease contractions and when it came to the active stages of labour I was able to give birth standing up – if it weren’t for the leg strength I’d developed through belly dance I might not have been able to do this.
Kim: I belly danced through two of my pregnancies starting from as early as the first week and dancing all the way through. My youngest child is 18 months old and I am still attending classes every week. Apart from the fitness aspect of dancing it also helped me feel confident while my body was going through the changes of pregnancy.
Leonie: Belly dance helped me become aware of the muscles around the baby and the exercises I learnt made me feel more confident about labour. Pregnancy is a time when you definitely need to surround yourself with positive people and experiences, I will definitely be doing this class next time I’m pregnant.
We all have busy lives and becoming pregnant needn’t be the end of all that. In my many changing (and sometimes challenging) roles as a teacher, academic, professional dancer, the principal of Cinnamon Twist School of Belly Dance as well as mum to two wonderful girls I am also reminded that we all need some ‘me time’ now and then. Dance can be a great way to escape the chaos of everyday life, to share a laugh, to learn something new, to soak up the rhythm of the music.
For more information on Cinnamon Twist School of Belly Dance call Virginia on (02) 4226 1861, email [email protected] or visit
[i] Keft-Kennedy, Virginia. Belly Dance for Prenatal Exercise. Guest speaker at the Illawarra Antenatal Shared Care Program Seminars at Wollongong Hospital for 2009.
[ii] Mielikainen, Paivi. “Pelvic Floor Benefits From Oriental Dance” The Palace Magazine Issue 33: September 2003: p24
All text and images copyright Virginia Keft-Kennedy©
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Since the late 19th century the American film industry has single-mindedly emphasised the seductive elements of belly dance. In fact, the idea that it is designed solely for the eyes of men is a myth that is still very much alive in the Hollywood film industry today– if you’ve seen Sex and the City 2 you’ll know what I’m talking about! But in the privacy of the dance studio - in an all-women class - belly dance can be sensual, feminine, wonderfully liberating, and not to mention just great exercise. In my experience in having performed and taught belly dance for well over a decade I’ve discovered that the women who attend our classes do so for many reasons but most of all, they dance for themselves. Now, more than ever before, women are taking up the ancient cultural traditions of belly dance in very personal ways – in particular, as a way in which to experience the changes of pregnancy and to ultimately prepare for childbirth[i].
Gone are the days when pregnant women were expected – and encouraged – to treat their pregnancy like an illness. Instead, women with low risk pregnancies are being urged to get out of the house, stay fit, and enjoy the experience of being pregnant. When I fell pregnant with my first daughter Pippa (who is now 2 ½ years old) I continued to teach my classes at Cinnamon Twist School of Belly Dance and perform throughout my pregnancy. I’ve since given birth to another gorgeous baby girl – Tilly - who is only 11 weeks old. Throughout all of the ups and downs of having two babies in a fairly short period of time my love of belly dance has been my foundation. I am fortunate that I was able to dance throughout both my pregnancies and feel that dancing offered me the chance to bond with my daughters before they were born in a very focussed and special way. Pippa loves to see footage of me dancing while I was pregnant with her; she proudly exclaims “that’s me in your tummy!” Those of us with small children know how chaotic (and exhausting) life can get, and now that I have a toddler and newborn baby in the house my compulsion to get moving and dance – even if it’s bopping around the house with Pippa giggling while she practices her hip circles – is stronger than ever before.
Belly Dance for Fitness
Contrary to popular belief belly dancing doesn’t just utilise the mid-section but works the entire body. The graceful pivots and hip circles improve core strength, the gentle dips and rolls strengthen not only the legs but also the lower back and gluteus muscles, and soft shoulder shimmies and chest lifts work to tone the muscles in the arms, chest and upper back. Additionally and perhaps most importantly for pregnancy, the movements and postures used in belly dance are extremely effective in strengthening the pelvic floor. Pregnancy can place great strain on the pelvic floor but with the correct exercises many women may avoid common discomforts (such as incontinence) during and after pregnancy.
Health benefits of belly dance during pregnancy:
- Mobilises and strengthens the pelvic floor[ii]
- Eases lower back pain commonly associated with pregnancy by encouraging a neutral spinal position and maintaining lower back strength
- The safely grounded nature of belly dance means it is low impact on joints but with mild to medium cardio-vascular benefits
- Increases core body strength, improves flexibility and aids circulation
- Excellent preparation exercise for the physical demands of labour and birth
- Faster return to pre-pregnancy fitness and healthy weight
- Belly dance techniques include muscle isolation exercises that may be useful during labour – the labouring mum has increased awareness of how different abdominal muscles feel when relaxed or contracted
- Moderate regular exercise has been shown to boost the release of beta endorphins which can provide an overall sense of well-being
Emotional & Mental Health Benefits:
- Promotes creative self-expression and provides stress relief
- Encourages a sense of connection with the baby through dance, movement, and rhythm
- Helps to focus on the pelvis and visualise the baby
- Encourages a positive body image and celebrates the changing bodies of women during pregnancy (and in the postnatal period)
- It has been well documented that dance helps to promotes a general feeling of well being
- The social aspect of belly dance classes and talking to other pregnant women may help to ease anxieties, especially for first time mums
Janine: The social benefits have been invaluable to me. It’s been a year since I had my baby and I’ve continued to stay in touch with other mums I met in our class.
Abby: Belly dance helped me to embrace the changes my body was going through, I stopped feeling like I was just big and began to see my round belly in a new way – I started wearing fitted tops for the first time in my life!
Shane: For me the main benefit was in understanding how to move my body in a circular motion which allowed me to provide my own pain relief. Belly dancing also assisted me post-birth. I was able to gently get my body back in order and regain those pelvic floor muscles!
Nichola: I learnt techniques I was able to use during labour and it was really great to meet other mums who were all due around the same time as me. I really enjoyed my time in class; I always felt welcomed and looked after.
Mel: I belly danced through three pregnancies and labours. During the later stages of each labour I used ‘hip circles’ and ‘figure 8s’ to ease contractions and when it came to the active stages of labour I was able to give birth standing up – if it weren’t for the leg strength I’d developed through belly dance I might not have been able to do this.
Kim: I belly danced through two of my pregnancies starting from as early as the first week and dancing all the way through. My youngest child is 18 months old and I am still attending classes every week. Apart from the fitness aspect of dancing it also helped me feel confident while my body was going through the changes of pregnancy.
Leonie: Belly dance helped me become aware of the muscles around the baby and the exercises I learnt made me feel more confident about labour. Pregnancy is a time when you definitely need to surround yourself with positive people and experiences, I will definitely be doing this class next time I’m pregnant.
We all have busy lives and becoming pregnant needn’t be the end of all that. In my many changing (and sometimes challenging) roles as a teacher, academic, professional dancer, the principal of Cinnamon Twist School of Belly Dance as well as mum to two wonderful girls I am also reminded that we all need some ‘me time’ now and then. Dance can be a great way to escape the chaos of everyday life, to share a laugh, to learn something new, to soak up the rhythm of the music.
For more information on Cinnamon Twist School of Belly Dance call Virginia on (02) 4226 1861, email [email protected] or visit
[i] Keft-Kennedy, Virginia. Belly Dance for Prenatal Exercise. Guest speaker at the Illawarra Antenatal Shared Care Program Seminars at Wollongong Hospital for 2009.
[ii] Mielikainen, Paivi. “Pelvic Floor Benefits From Oriental Dance” The Palace Magazine Issue 33: September 2003: p24
All text and images copyright Virginia Keft-Kennedy©
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